Thursday, June 11, 2009


I decided to fight my supervisor and boss about them writing me up. I have contacted the union and we are going to file a grievance. I know that this will not make things at work any better but at the moment, I can't see things being any worse.

After the vacation I plan to take next month, I will have one day left that has to be used by the end of July. According to company's policy, they will have to give me that day. Other than that, my plan is to not take any more vacation days and I will just let them pay me for those days and will put that money towards my moving fund.

This means that when I finally do go down to put a deposit on an apartment, that I will have to make a strictly weekend trip, from Friday after work until Sunday. Speaking of apartments, I found an apartment complex yesterday that I fell in love with so my mission is to become a resident there.


Miss.Stefanie said...


Young woman on a journey said...

i hope it all works out love!

Trish said...

Thanks ladies! I need all the support I can get.

Nina said...

Sometimes, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Sometimes, people mess with you because they "know" you won't do anything back...good luck!

Trish said...

Nina-That's the feeling that I've been getting from them. They nitpick about everything, but I'm not taking it anymore.

Conscious Bride said...

Kudos for standing up for yourself!

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