Monday, May 18, 2009

Truth Hurts

So I'm back from Texas and I had another goood trip. It wasn't really as good as last time. I told Toot that I was glad that we met and he said I shouldn't say stuff like that. Yesterday I pretty much decided to end things with him. I know we all have pasts and some type of baggage but I need to protect myself before my feelings get any more invested. I can't say I'm not going to miss him because I miss him already.


Miss.Stefanie said...

You have to let go of something in order to see if it will come back. You also have to leave baggage behind in order to grow. *hugs* Im proud though, what you did took strength Trish.

Trish said...

Thanks Stef! Hopefully it does...

Marie said...

Great that you had a nice trip.

Sometimes letting go is the best way to stay sane. A lot of people tend to think that walking away is usually just punking out .. but nah I don't think so.

A confident person that knows what she wants walks away when she needs to ..

Trish said...

Gee-Nah-Very true. I catch flack from a certain friend of mine because she says that I walk away too easily and I'll never find a mate, but I beg to differ.

Young woman on a journey said...

As long as you are doing what is best for you! you have to take care of yourself first.

Trish said...

Young woman-I do. Just hate this initial feeling of missing someone that has become apart of your life. Sad thing is, I never really cut everyone out of my life because I feel like this kind of thing always happens.

Nina said...

noooooooooooooooooooooooo! what happened??

ok, initial reaction aside...

just a detour on your journey..i only wish you happiness...

Anonymous said...

Good move. Especially since you made it for you.

Trish said...

Nina-Girl, I know! But its truly for the best.

Buttahfly-Yeah, I am really trying to continue learning from all these experiences.