Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Other Shoe....

....fell. Yesterday I was called into my bosses office to be informed that I'm being let go. They didn't give me an exact date, she says that I could be employed up until August but that it could be sooner. I am working on budget information at work this week. Part of me feels like they are waiting to have me finish working on loading everyone's salary but mine for next fiscal year before they give me my two week notice.

To say that I was shocked would be a complete understatement...I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I just got back from seeing my family over the weekend and I actually teared up on the plane ride back. I had the best time and wished that I was near them again.

I don't know what's in store for me. I feel like I am at my absolute worse at this point in my life. Who would have thought I'd lose a fiancee' and a job all in the same month....

Those of you who pray...please add me to your list. I am having a hard time trying to figure out why all of this is happening but I know there has to be some reason behind it.


Nina said...


I will pray! Things will be okay. Remember what you said about faith the size of a mustard seed.

Clearly, you are going through some major changes...but I'm sure it is to put you on a path that leads to something greater!

No worries, love.


Jameil said...

Maybe to make it easier for you to go where you need to be next? It will all work out exactly the way it should.

Trish said...

Nina-I needed that reminder. Today is a lot better, I think the initial shock is what had me so upset. I've been searching already and hoping to find something before my actual lay off date.

Jameil-I think you may be right. I guess I have to be patient and see what's next.

mia. said...

I hate the other shoe!!!

Sis... this really sucks and I *hate*hate*hate* when people tell me that things happen for a reason, but...

... this all might have happened for a reason. Jameil is right, now there is nothing stopping you from where you want to go, closer to your family a better job, whatevs.

Oh, shit, just move to LA and sleep on my pull out sofa bed!

Trish said...

Mia-I'm trying to see it this way...My last resort is to go back home. While I miss my family, I just do not want to live there again.

I've been looking profusely the past couple of days and using my networking skills. I may need that pull out bed....I hope I can bring Baby with me, she's house-trained. Lol! If not to stay, I sure could use a vacation.

Young woman on a journey said...

Oh Trish. You are in my prayers.

Its so hard to see this now, but i promise that when all these things happen at once, life is just making room for more remarkable things than you ever imagined!

I'll be thinking of you and praying for you.

Veronica said...


You're in my prayers but maybe there is something better out there for you. God is putting you in a position to be greater than you already are. Believe that!

Trish said...

Thanks YW & Vee! I'm starting to feel what you all are saying.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

I'm very late...but I hope as of right now everything is turning around/ has turned around and clarity is coming to your situation. I just a came through a round off unemployment, and finally got a job. I believe the economy is on the upswing and things will work out for you. You are in my prayers.

CynCity said...

Jeremiah 29:11
All will work out and be bigger and better than you can imagine.