Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Since I've Been Gone

I will try to keep this short as possible but a lot has been going on. So Saturday morning I dropped my dad off at the airport. I was going a bit stir-crazy being in the hotel with him for so many days but as the time neared for him to leave, I began to get sad.

As we approached the airport he gave me a talk of reassurance which he said that I would be blessed with this move and to always pay my tithes. He told me how proud I made him and how I'd succeed at anything I that I attempt. I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. I got out the car and ran over to his side to hug him goodbye.

I hate to admit it but this daddy's girl cried the whole ride back to the hotel. I texted him thanking him again for driving down the 20 hours with me and for helping me drive and all the support.

I had gotten a sew-in weave and it had drove me crazy since the first night. I scratched until I couldn't scratch any more and decided to take it out. The reason I got the hair is because I didn't want finding a new hair stylist to be a pressing issue for me since I had so many other things to do to get settled in.

After getting my hair done I went to move the rest of my things into the dorm. I saw a couple of other women who were staying there, one white lady and two black women about my age. I spoke to them and they were so dry. The white lady actually offered to help me carry my things in so I gladly accepted her offer.

I went to orientation on Monday and thats when I found out that they don't allow cell phones and we could only wear certain colors. On top of that, we could only carry $2 maximum and we couldn't use umbrellas so I was forced to wear a poncho in pouring down rain. Although I knew working at a prison would come with restrictions, giving up my phone was the worse rule of all that was being thrusted upon me.

The men stared and made comments and I was even told by one of the employees that the men at my prison unit would "love me." That comment made my skin crawl. I met a lady who happened to live across the street from the dorm I stayed in and her offering to let me carpool turned into me driving her because her van suddenly broke. She insisted upon chatting the entire drive which included asking me 50 questions and telling me that her daughter wanted to be Michelle Obama for Halloween. The conversation ended on a quiet note when she said her husband advised against the daughter being Mrs.Obama because of all the Nazis in the area. That made me feel like wow, I have to wear my black mask every day, maybe I need to hurry and move.

Wednesday morning I woke up to excruciating pain and a swollen face. Turns out my wisdom tooth was the culprit. I drove to orientation slowly, trying not to focus on my tooth. A nurse in the class asked was I alright and I told her I wasn't feeling good, she pointed out my face being double the size on one side. They referred me to a dentist and I headed there. The dentist referred me to a specialist who quoted me a price of approximately $800 for the extraction.

Thursday I got a job offer from the company that I left two days early to come down here to interview for which was for a better position and higher salary. I was thrilled! I accpeted the offer. Now I had to come up with an explanation for quitting and find somewhere to live because I was pretty sure once you quit a place, they don't let you continue to use their perks like housing.

Friday I had a mission to find an apartment. Not only did I find one, but they offered a 32inch tv for signing the lease. I moved my things in Saturday and yesterday. I told the lady that recruited me that I would be resigning. She was in shock but was nice nonetheless. I also got my wisdom tooth pulled. I am on pain meds so that is how I am able to fill you guys in on what has been going on. I am trying to recover and take care of business before my new job starts Monday.


Serenity3-0 said...

I am happy that you arrived safely and you don't have to work in a place where men will be harassing you. I will add you to my prayer list b/c I know you will need it in the new area. I knwo your dad is proud of you but so am I!

Rashan Jamal said...

Wow! A lot going on. Good luck with your new job. I know the recruiter was hating you for leaving so soon. Glad you got a better opportunity. Hope your tooth feels better.

Trish said...

Thanks Serenity! That means a lot coming ffrom you. I definitely need all the prayer I can get.

Rashan-Yes, so many things I'm dealing with. The only time I rest is after I take the pain meds. Thanks for the well wishes!

Young woman on a journey said...

omg. i'm so so so proud of you! and i'm so glad that things seem to be working out, despite the tooth and prison thing. lol. but those are over.

btw...thank you for your prayers and well wishes. i'm hoping things work out welll soon too. if not, i knoww i'll have to do what you did, and just start anew with good luck!

Trish said...

YW-Thanks!! I am so glad to be out of that prison. I can't wait to hear about your next chapter!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so much tranisition in such a short period of time. I'm glad its all working out for you!

Nina said...

WOW! Its been a whirlwind! Good thing about leaving the prison because that's crazy...

Nazis in the area? whoa...

Trish said...

Thanks Patrice!

Nina- Glad you're feeling me!