Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Old Am I?

The other morning at around 3am I get a text asking how I am, what I'm doing and if I'm busy with my new man. It was from a Minnesota phone number and I know no one near there. I text back asking who it was and it was downhill from there.

Early the next morning, I get a response saying that I knew who it was. They began trying to torment me saying that I was sleeping with their husband, then changed it to fiance' and later referenced said guy as their boyfriend. The person knew my address, where I worked and threatened to come over and show me how upset they were. They called me all kind of names but trust me I got back with them on every comment. I was baffled that one, someone was playing on my phone and two, who on earth was this person talking about?!

I originally assumed it was someone that I recently began talking to and I called him out on it. Needless to say that the guy did not take the accusation well and blamed the Nbr. I thought to myself, yeah right, seems like he's deflecting.

You can only imagine how surprised I was hours later to get a text from Nbr asking me if I was playing on his phone. Then goes on to say SHE said I was playing on her phone too! Hold up, SHE who?! I didn't even know that he was seeing anyone. I couldn't believe this was happening. The guy was right, this all had to do with Nbr. He sends me texts that were supposed to have come from me. The person knew very personal details about our relationship. I've surmised that it was either Nbr doing this or the person he is now with trying to make sure that he and I are totally through with each other.

I am so glad to be done with him. This year keeps adding on more and more drama for me. I cannot wait until good things begin to happen in my life because I am so over this foolishness. Nbr later apologized and said he was going to file a police report? Uhh...it's the person you're with if it's not you, so why file a report? Just stupidity at it's finest. I need peace.


Jameil said...

This is exactly why one of my friends used to change her number after every relationship. It's time for a number change. I know it's a hassle but it might be worth it.

Trish said...

Yeah Jameil, I have had this number for 11 years. I hate that idiots have me contemplating a new number. I'm more concerned about them knowing where I live and work. But you're right....I thought the 30s meant not dealing with crap like this.....

Anonymous said...

No, no, no to all of this!!!

I cannot believe she accused you are playing on HER phone. How were you supposed to know that she even exists?

I canNOT with all of this. Got me all mad and worked up at my desk...

Trish said...

Mia.....I'm so glad you feel me on this. This mess just keeps getting worse and worse....

Nina said...

say what?????